Monday 3 November 2014


Well, hello lovely people! It's actually November now! Can you believe it?! The time has flown by this year! This week is for fireworks and toffee apples, wrapping up warm and going for crisp autumnal walks in woodland.

I've been meaning to finish this illustration for some time and I really wanted to add it to the finished pile and get it made into a print. I will be making this into an illustrated tee as well it's not yet in my etsy shop as one but if you'd like this illustration on a tee they are £15 plus P&P just email me & I can send you an invoice.

Hope everyone is having a lovely week! I'm almost to the point where I'm thinking about pressing play on my epic christmas music playlist but I'm trying to hold back, why?!!! 

Really looking forward to having a little stall at the Crafty Fox market on Sunday 7th December at the Dogstar in Brixton, London. It will be my first ever so please pop down and say hello, I'd love to meet you & I'll be selling mini zines, prints & tees too! <3>


Unknown said...

I am not a fan of Game of Thrones, but that is one of the most beautiful pieces of artwork I've ever seen. I love the colours: those aren't colours most people would think to use with a programme like that.

Oh, and don't worry about playing Christmas songs. They've already got Christmas films on telly. Though I haven't heard any Christmas singles in the pop charts yet, which can only be a good thing.

Sterling, XLeptodactylous

Gheline Tolentino said...

Omg this is so good!

Unknown said...

saoirse thank you so much you are so incredibly kind xx

Gheline thank you! you guys are so lovely xx

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